Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From Sue - Updates from North Joisey

OK, well, I was waiting for Katie or Jonny to write a post, but you know how that goes.....

Here's what's new here.

Jonny and Katie spent Labor Day weekend down at the Jersey shore with Jon, and a few aunts / uncles and cousins on Jon's side of the family.  This is a great shot of the three of them:

 This "empty" beach, must be the back side of Island Beach state park, were they "beached" the boats, and spend the night on them, in a cove.  No doubt a rare "empty" beach in NJ over Labor Day weekend!!

Jonny hanging on the rope....

Katie with the dog.

So then school starts...  Katie has been a "Math Skipper" since 2nd grade, which means she take 3rd grade math in 2nd grade, etc.  What they FAIL to tell you when you sign up for this honor in second grade is three small details....

1)   When you get to 8th grade, and need to talk Honors Geometry at the high school, (not our high school, mind you), your Mom needs to figure out how to get you there.....

2)   High school starts an hour earlier!

3)  And the best, that we only learned within the last month, is that when you get to be a senior in HS, they DON'T HAVE A MATH CLASS FOR YOU!! 

So what's the point I ask????

Well, the high school started a whole week earlier than the middle school, so Katie had to get up at 6:15, to catch the bus at 6:50 for a one hour class at 7:40......  so she didn't really feel the need to go to bed early, since it was just one class....  and here she is working hard on homework after class..........

LOL, she will kill me when she finds this, so enjoy for the short term.....  :) 

Pen in hand, calculator at the ready!

With the new school year comes Volleyball for Katie and she was voted CAPTAIN of the team with her close friend Katie Jefferies!  The are mid-season already and started off strong, hoping to end strong as well.  We'll see!!  I try to get to as many games as I can.  She is awesome!!
A short clip of her awesome underhand serve:

Jonny has signed up for a Bike Club that starts next week.  The club meets on a dirt track with jumps, etc, so he is looking forward to doing that with a few friends.

He and I are having the usual "fun" juggling homework with the latest release of Call of Duty, and Halo....  after all, as MOST of you KNOW, it's way more important to save the world then do algebra, or grammer.  Get real MOM!!!  Augh!

I guess that's all for now!  Gotta get back to work.  Have a great week!

Oh, I ordered P90X....  an intense workout video collection to transform my body!  It arrives Thursday, so I'm looking forward to that!  I'll spare you the "before" pictures!  :)


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  1. The Beach looks Awesome, and I love the picture of Katie sleeping while doing homework! Haha.
    Good luck with P90X, I've heard the workouts are killer!

  2. Great update Sue, Thanks for sharing. I love the math story only to end up as a senior without a math class. I agree with you, so what is the point? Thanks for the post.
